Community Infrastructure Grant
The grant offers funding of up to $20,000 per project to support the creation, enhancement, or accessibility of community infrastructure.
The grant offers funding of up to $20,000 per project to support the creation, enhancement, or accessibility of community infrastructure.
The South Australian Tourism Commission (SATC) invites South Australian tourism businesses to submit an Expression of Interest.
Up to $42,000 for project development, or $7,000 in learning and development bursaries. Applications close on 9 October 2024.
This grant up to $100k supports producers who enhance wine tourism by offering great cellar door experiences.
Grants of $15,000 in Indigenous Business, Education, Agriculture, Women in Regional Business, Health, Tourism, and Arts.
$18 million in funding to support technology suppliers who can help farmers adopt on-farm digital solutions like connected machinery and sensors.
Barossa Village are planning 100 housing options for older residents in Nuriootpa, with a focus on community integration and wellbeing.
Funding of up to $100,000 for multicultural organisations to upgrade equipment or improve infrastructure to better serve your community.
Up to $5,000 to bring inspiring public art projects to life within the Light Regional Council area.
Next round of applications opens 6 November, 2024. Download the guidelines.