Regional Development Australia (Barossa Gawler Light Adelaide Plains) are relaunching a ‘Live Totally Shop Locally’ campaign, which was first introduced to this region some years ago by founder Chris Sands of the Good Co as a movement for investing in your own community as a route to regional prosperity. The ‘Totally Locally’ resources bank includes freely accessible templates and guides for local l businesses and local communities in the BGLAP region customised for the different localities. Check it out.
Totally Locally for the BGLAP Region
What is Totally Locally?
‘Totally Locally’ is a campaign intended to unite our community, with increased awareness of what is locally produced, locally made or locally available to “co-invest in our own future”, a theme especially relevant in the current climate. Originating from an idea to connect towns in the North of England, the Totally Locally campaign has grown to a world-wide award winning movement to connect community driven businesses. Working collaboratively with the founder Chris Sands, the RDA’s covid-inspired refresh of the Totally Locally campaign is intended to help businesses in the Gawler Light Adelaide Plains region thrive and their communities connect.
The general premise? A freely accessible, downloadable marketing campaign that businesses in the area can use and embrace to connect with their customers and community.
By joining in this unified campaign, local businesses in the BGLAP region become part of a global network of people shopping small and local. This campaign creates a network of interlinked businesses for regional support and networking. Our intention is to provide business support through the qualities regional SA pride themselves on – community engagement, shopping small, and supporting local workers.
How Can You Get Involved?
One of the things that’s so special about this campaign is that nobody owns the campaign; it’s developed for your community by your community. If you have an idea, an event that you’d like to plan, you can do so – as long as it’s within the guidelines of the Totally Locally manifesto and goals. It is freely accessible, but the intellectual property needs to be respected and the guidelines for using it observed. However, we’ve put some things together for you to get started.
We have collated a starter pack of downloadable documents – our ‘Town Kit’, easily accessible on our website here. This includes a manifesto outlining the principles of the Totally Locally campaign, some posters to display in your store, website and social media material to join our online community with the hashtag #totallylocallyBGLAP.
The team here at the RDA BGLAP have also created an Instagram page @RDABGLAP, where you can find all the updates regarding our campaign. These can be found on our Facebook page and Twitter, too!
But your best option to keep up to date with all things Totally Locally is in on this central website – we’ll be posting all of our materials, some articles, and regular updates here. We’ll be uploading weekly articles highlighting some of our favourite local businesses in the region, local profile features, and innovative solutions to some of the problems facing the region today. We’ll be keeping you up to date on how to shop ethically and locally. If you’re a business or local looking for a feature, please contact us at
What now?
We’ll keep you updated on all progress through our website and social media channels, but for now – let your local businesses know, get in contact with your neighbours, invest in your town and shop Totally Locally during these trying times.