Infrastructure SA, an independent agency of the South Australian Government, is gearing up to shape the future of our state’s infrastructure. Currently, they are working on South Australia’s next 20-Year State Infrastructure Strategy, which will set the direction for our infrastructure needs, goals, and priorities until 2045. From roads and rails to digital connectivity and more, infrastructure is the lifeblood of our economy and day-to-day living. This strategy will be pivotal in ensuring a balance between economic growth, social progress, and environmental responsibility. The agency has rolled out a Discussion Paper to give everyone a comprehensive understanding and to garner valuable insights from the community.
Your Voice Matters! 📢🖋 Want to be a part of shaping SA’s future? Infrastructure SA welcomes feedback on this pivotal strategy. Here’s how you can contribute:
- Read the Discussion Paper: Dive deep into the economic contexts, trends, and challenges.
- Answer Key Questions: Frame your submissions around the six key objectives presented.
- Written Submissions: Before 13 November 2023, send them via email to or post to Strategy Team, Infrastructure SA, GPO Box 2343, Adelaide SA 5001.
- Online Survey: Provide a quick snapshot of your views here.
- Stay Updated: All feedback will be reviewed, and a summary of the consultation will be published on the Infrastructure SA website.